Watch Baby Spiders “Explode” From Mother

Wolf SpiderWhile filming a showdown between two spiders, Mathew Duncan captured an unexpected surprise: a dozen or so babies scattering for safety. Although the spider obviously doesn’t literally explode with babies as the title of the video suggests, it does provide a good moment to learn what’s actually happening.

Entomologist and arachnid expert Dr. Leonard Vincent identified the creature as a wolf spider.

“Female members of this family have their egg sac attached to their spinnerets,” said Vincent in an email to The Huffington Post. “Where the adult female goes, so does the egg sac.”

Once the eggs have hatched, the little spiders crawl onto their mother’s back for a couple of weeks before ventnuring off on their own.

DiD YoU knOw That ??

CrocodileCrocodiles are one of the planets oldest living creatures, thought to be around 200 million years old which means that crocodiles were around in dinosaur times.

Crocodiles live throughout the watery tropics ofAfrica, Asia, America and Australia, congregating in freshwater environments in the worlds lakes and rivers. Crocodiles feed on fish,reptiles and mammals, the prey size generally dependent on the size of the crocodile.

Legend has it that if you are being chased by a crocodile, the only chance you have of getting away is by outsmarting the crocodile. Apparently the way to do this is to run away from the crocodile diagonally down a hill! The myth says that crocodiles have a very slow turning circle meaning that if you run diagonally, the crocodile theoretically cant catch you!

As crazy as it sounds, crocodiles are known to swallow stones when they are on the banks of the water. The crocodile does this to not only help its digestive system but also to aid the crocodiles water buoyancy. It is thought that by swallowing stones, the crocodile may also be able to swim to deeper parts of the water.

The crocodile is also unable to stick out its tongue (probably from all those stones in the crocodiles stomach)! The crocodile is able to regrow new teeth very quickly after losing the old ones, throughout the crocodiles life.images (5)sharing-caring

How fast Does a Tiger run??


Tigers, which are well-known for their power and strength, are the largest members of the cat family. There are now five sub-species of tiger and these are all endangered species. Tigers hunt buffalo, deer and other large mammals. In order to catch their prey, tigers are capable of short bursts of high speed running.


Speed at Which Tigers Run

  • Despite weighing hundreds of kilograms — up to 500 pounds — tigers can reach top speeds of 49 to 65 kilometers per hour (35 to 40 miles per hour). They can sustain this speed only over short distances. In addition, they can leap 9 to 10 meters (30 to 33 feet) which makes their leap size just short of a mountain lion’s.

    • THAT WHY WE SAY :                                                                                                                                                                   “BETTER TO LIVE ONE YEAR AS A TIGER, THAN A HUNDRED AS A SHEEP”
